Myanmar Students Seek Intervention Into Skirmishes - Eastern Mirror
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Myanmar students seek intervention into skirmishes

By EMN Updated: Jun 03, 2019 11:57 pm

Dimapur, June 3 (EMN): A Myanmar-based students’ group, the Naga Students’ Organization (NSO, Myanmar), has appealed to the international community and rights groups to intervene to address the conflict and tensions along the Indo-Myanmar border regions and Naga areas.
The NSO issued a press release to the media on Monday appealing to India, Myanmar and the “present warring parties”

The organisation lamented that the Burmese army, ‘who are supposed to be the defender and protector of the public,’ for the ‘first time’ set fire to three villages namely Chen Hoyat, Nyanching and Throilo on August 30 1985.

“Since then, the consecutive burning down of the villages continued. In 1983, 1992 and on 23rd October 2000 they attacked and mercilessly killing innocent people happened for the last time,” the press release stated.
“To our utter surprise on the other hand, the Indian army and authority from Mon district had entered beyond the so-called international boundary and burnt down the same village (sic) for the first time on 20 January 1981, 2nd time on 12 August 1982, and the 3rd time on February 20th 1988 consecutively.”

Since then and till today, the organisation stated, the Naga people living in the particular region have been living a life of uncertainty all over and “made to feel like mouse in the hands of cat.”
Peace has nowhere to be found ‘even in our own kitchen,’ the NSO stated.

During the regime of the Myanmar junta, the NSO explained, ‘outside intervention was strictly barred’ even the UN and international rights groups were prohibited to intervene with the claim that “we don’t need outsider to deal with our kitchen/domestic problem.”

“Now, there were some six and seven years where some rays of hope as the dawning democracy in the country. But looking at the present situation, it’s quite contrary to learn the fact that Myanmares army is being blessed by their Indian counterpart with some rice and potato bags as complimentary for dismantling own kitchen successfully.”

Now, innocent people are forced to carry loads without paying even a penny, the NSO stated.
“Almost three months now, the region witnesses the repetition of those bitter days where innocent people are not able to move out freely from the village because bombing in public area, and blank firing around when they fail to find that they are looking for!”

On behalf of the Naga people suffering there, the organization has urged India, Myanmar and the “present warring parties” to “measure us with good sense and not always judge with negative perspectives.”

“And if we are too far away for you to reach out with developments, leave us alone peacefully as we have been for several decades. We may look beastly but we are peaceful people in nature,’ the press release stated.

“We want to see join development and not join operations. Last but not the least, Since India and Myanmar turned insensitive to the cry of human rights victim, Naga Students’ Organization (Myanmar) at this juncture seeks international community and international rights groups for immediate intervention.”

By EMN Updated: Jun 03, 2019 11:57:46 pm
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