Women Orgs Demand Justice For Sept 4 Victim - Eastern Mirror
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Women orgs demand justice for Sept 4 victim

By EMN Updated: Sep 14, 2014 12:37 am


A criminal act of domestic violence brought leaders of all the frontal women organizations from different tribes in the state capital spearheaded by the Zeliang Women Organization (ZWOK) together on Friday. The women groups submitted a representation to the Deputy Commissioner Kohima on Friday seeking justice for a woman who was brutally assaulted in a gruesome manner by her husband, ThepfiirieuMetha on September 4 in Kohima.
The Deputy Commissioner W. HonjeKonyak, was apprised of the severity of the crime by a representative of the ZWOK. The victim’s husband brutally cut her private parts with a knife areas below her abdomen.They narrated that the victim had providentially escaped death as she managed to run to a neighbour’s house and was rushed to Naga Hospital Kohima, where she is currently recuperating.
Terming the assault as something beyond human behaviour and decrying the act of the accused husband, the women organizations demanded that bail should not be granted to the perpetrator at any cost.
We demand that the law should take its due course of action and award the most stringent and exemplary punishment befitting to the nature of the crime which we perceive as “barbaric, inhuman and unthinkable” in a civilized society, the representation stated. The DC acknowledged that this was a serious crime and he viewed it as a non-bailable offence.He stated thatsuch act is not right and should not occur in the society.
He assured that he will forward the matter to the Superintendent of Police, under whose authority the accused is now remanded, to take serious note of the case and put it under the appropriate sections of law.
He further assured his moral support to the cause and said he will also apprise the judicial officers to take the matter seriously.

By EMN Updated: Sep 14, 2014 12:37:40 am
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