Last Warnings Of The Last Days - Eastern Mirror
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Last Warnings of the Last Days

By EMN Updated: Dec 09, 2017 7:30 pm

By Ambrose.J.Chakre | EMN

Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Isaiah 46:8

The way things are is an ongoing prophecies of the last days. Every headline we see on the front pages reminds us not only of the news but of events which the Word said would occur in the days of these confronting and challenges hard days. The warnings are on, so are the judgments  and it will be to the saint’s glory to take to heart the words which comes from the mouth of God. Seeing the world as it is, all of her systems and orders will come to an end  at it appointed time. Listen to this: The sinners of Noah’s time did not expect the flood to come; neither were the sinners of Lot’s time prepared to face the fire which would eventually destroy them. Trust this, the world is not going to be holier and it will only be to the sinner’s loss to suffer much loss. This is not desired and wed don’t think anyone will desire to be in the category of the condemned. So in the truth I make this urgent declaration that while the time is right every one must seek the truth and be reconciled to God. ( The ones who are already on a high are on a high. ) It is only when a wrong is committed that rebuke comes and it is never our desire for anyone to keep on sinning.

God has reserved a day of judgment and it will be a dread for anyone to fall into the hands of the living God. The chastening will surely increase and blessed will be the man who takes heed to what the Word says. Thus it is written “Listen to me you stubborn hearted, you who are far from righteousness. I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed. I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendor to Israel”. (Isaiah 46:12, 13)  No one can ever love us like God does and it is so important for everyone to understand it. Remember, the Word did not come to this world to condemn sinners but to save them. Since the wicked will ultimately be judged, it will be wise for every sinner to return to the cross of Christ in repentance. In the book of Job, the scripture states “  Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he also binds up. He injures, but his hands also heal”. ( Job 5:17,18 )God’s promises are great and it is important to fear God and to shun evil.

The sinners in the Bible were rebuked so many times and those who accepted it were saved, while the rest were condemned. To speak of this, we are also reminded of Absalom who ravished David’s concubines and the result of his folly was that he had to die in dishonor. Harsh as it sounds the declarations of it are a warning in itself. The last book of the Scripture states “ Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy”. ( Revelation 22:11 ) The warnings in scripted  in the scripture are to be feared and obeyed and whoever honors it will win God’s honor. Mark this: Those who belong to Christ will do what God says but those who does not will only rebel against God’s Word. ( John 8:47 ) ( Emphasis added ) Let me make an illustration: If there are some boys and girls partying on the street and a speeding truck comes against them, it will be wiser still to push them on the safer side than for them to meet their end in their sins. Though they may be bruised by the acts of their rescuers it will be worst  for them to die at the hands of those who wants them dead. The realities are made known to convict  the sinners of their sins and to further equipped God’s people to face the battles ahead. Fix you eyes on this: Rather than just criticizing the sinners, it will be wiser still to save them. Even as I write this for the cause of the eternal, I pray that multitudes will receive deliverance from the sins and the evils which binds them. Remember Samson if you are to think of this and we urge you t trust God’s Word completely. If salvation is your desire the salvation of everyone will be your passion too. May the power of Christ bless every soul who has read this and we trust God’s power to work mightily in you too even as it is at work in us. God is the witness.

By EMN Updated: Dec 09, 2017 7:30:47 pm
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