Zeliang Hosts ‘handpicked’ Internet Critics - Eastern Mirror
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Zeliang hosts ‘handpicked’ internet critics

By EMN Updated: Oct 29, 2017 12:01 am
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Invitees at ‘Breakfast with CM’ pose for the lens with Chief Minister TR Zeliang on Saturday.

Dimapur, Oct. 28 (EMN): Chief Minister TR Zeliang “hosted” breakfast for eleven “young bloggers”, who according to a statement issued by the chief minister’s office on Saturday, were “hand-picked and invited for an interactive discussion with chief minister”.
The CMO statement did not specify when this “breakfast” with hand-picked “bloggers” was hosted. “While creative and innovative ideas of these youngsters are to be utilized in the process of governance, the initiative ‘Breakfast with CM’ was born out of a desire to allow youngsters to share information, opinions and ideas with the chief minister himself for improvement of local governance in the state.
“The image of social media in the state is being adversely affected due to irresponsible criticism, rumours and statements posted and circulated without proper authentication in recent times while on the other hand, there are also several bloggers who come up with ideas and suggestions worth utilizing for good local governance,” the statement read.
It claimed that the current government was ‘determined to streamline government working system and work tooth and nail while allowing youths to interact and participate in the governance process.’ Per the CMO statement: “Today’s interaction covered various topics pertaining to the State ranging from roads, power, art, sports, education and tourism to youth policies, students’ scholarship and mid-day meals.
“The government is putting in its best effort in addressing various issues in the state and while appreciating the moves of its citizens in airing grievances, one must inculcate a practical and democratic approach in solving issues at any given point of time. The need of the hour is to guide and lead the youths into the mainstream of society by educating and inculcating in them the true spirit of leadership and integrity.
“The practice of fomenting youths in spreading hidden propaganda on social media, negligible it may be, and the encouragement to use arms, catapults, stones and sticks in their propagated endeavour for good local governance is not only a clear case of exploitation but a dangerous trend which calls for urgent attention. The present day government stands steadfast in taking up the matter of road connectivity, backdoor appointment and corruption on priority basis. Any civil society or NGO including youths would do better by embracing the call of the government by suggesting measures towards strengthening and developing policies and programs meant for general welfare,” it stated.
According to the chief minister’s office, “building all-season roads, stimulating a culture of integrity, putting in place anti-corruption control measures, recognizing corruption reporting mechanisms etc., cannot be accomplished within a short period of time”, and as such the youth of the state must come up with “citizen-friendly initiatives” instead of organizing agitations, rallies and bandhs.
“Unless youths join hands with the government and broaden their understanding on the complexities of problems in the state, neither the practice of confronting the government physically nor spreading irresponsible and false information on social media, will take the society to the desired level. The interaction this morning lasted for a good 3 hours with several young minds venting out their opinions on the above issues among others.
“The present day government is strongly committed in building a vibrant and developed Nagaland and in pursuing this, let democratic practices like mutual respect, co-operation and understanding be the initial steps in finding a lasting solution for a better tomorrow…the door of the government is always open for discussing issues in a democratic manner in-order to bring public grievances to its logical conclusion and taking all these factors into account, including the importance of government-citizen relationship, ‘Breakfast with Chief Minister’ was organized, humble an initiative it may be,” it stated.

By EMN Updated: Oct 29, 2017 12:01:48 am
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