Legal Lesson A Woman Should Know - Eastern Mirror
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Legal lesson a woman should know

By EMN Updated: Mar 23, 2014 1:12 am

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]eing clueless about your legal right is not cool but you don’t have to remain in this fog of ignorance forever. Oh i would wonder how you kept quiet when that Perv Pinched you- because you didn’t want to stir up a scene? Beginning now ,change all that. Stop feeling sorry for yourself,bin that ‘victim’ sign you’ve wearing ,speak up,fight back and give it as bad as you get. You aren’t helpless,not by strech,especially when you’ve got the Indian legal system packing plenty in your punch. Yeah,that’s right;there is a law to help you battle almost every personal or professional problem you’ve got. However to take advantage of the statutes,you must know what your right are in the firsr place.In my years living in society, I have noticed that most women tend to be appallingly ill-informed about their legal right. And high levels of education and accomplishment haven’t made much of a difference when it comes to awareness. In fact, educated,capable women suffer various kinds of abuse,discrimination,etc,. Simply because they are ignorant of the power and protection that the Indian legal system provides them. When women become victims of male evidence of various forms,it causes terrible shock because it serves as another reminder to the society on how majority of women still remain vulnerable.
It’s a sorry sight to see and hear rape cases every now and then. It is unfortunate in the extreme that crime incidence against women are spreading like a deadly virus which poses a very serious threat for the well being in our society. Crime against woman has become horrid practice, psychological harassment,eve-teasing and rape case have reached to an alarming state. Pathetic and Unbelievable. How can this happen now and then in our society?. Well, nothing most in this regard…women should know their right and fight back as bad as they get. Most women,including me,I have never been free and safe of the fear of rape and eve-teasing, leaving others aside .From a very early age, I,like most women ,have thought of rape as part of natural environment that should be feared and prayed against. I never asked why men rape: i simply regard it as one of the many mysteries of the human nature.
Listen sisters,why should we fear? Why??? Why should we worry? Never…. We have our own right and power and protection that our modern legal system provides us. I urge you women…stand firm…never give up…let your motto be ‘’I am a woman of dignity’’.where others would fear to touch you instead they would shower you respect. I urge you ladies to lift and mould your character bold and firm. Trust me!!! None would dare to touch you if you know who you are and the way you maintain your dignity.
…….that’s the power of a woman! A woman of dignity.

Wapangmongla Jamir
Kohima Law College
Kohima Nagaland

By EMN Updated: Mar 23, 2014 1:12:16 am
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