The Faith in Action Taekwondo Academy, which is registered to Kukkiwon in India, have confirmed 46 Black Belts from their academy. The belt holders, which include 11 second Dan holders and 35 First Dan holder, have obtained their International Taekwondo Certificate from Kukkiwon, World Taekwondo Headquarter, South Korea on May 7. The grading was conducted by the Director/ Coach Master Deep Kumar, Black Belt 4th Dan, International Instructor and Examiner under Kukkiwon. It may be mentioned here that the Faith in Action Taekwondo Academy is a member of Kukkiwon, South Korea and World Martial Arts Council, UK and has produced many national and International players in the recent years.The 2nd Black Belt holders are HushetoZhimomi, Thejaser Kevichusa, Toshimeren Imchen, Alice D. Chishi, ToluhoYeptho, Sanjay Chetri, Inausanai Sngha, Diana D. Chishi, Wasim Akram, Pankaj Das, Bajrang Wankhade,
The 1st Dan holders are Jackson Phaomei, BohotoAcumi, Sentichuba, Lokivi Aye, Tia Yanger, Kevin D. Chishi, Sangmai Chang, Anguvi K. Awomi, TakusunepImsong, Pongnyu M. Konyak, AyushGhosh, Imodangla, AnkitChhetri, RyionDuttPandey, Carne A. Raja, AnishChhetry, ShaibalSutradhar, Sherry Jindal, Edwin Joy, Calvin A. Raja, AkatoSumi, PremMech,MrinalDutta, Vishal Kumar Sharma, Debojit Das, PragatiGattani, BipranjoyMuchahary, MontuDeory, PinkuDutta, NandiniGattani, PinkyDey, SiddhartSinha, Shubhangi, RakshyakSatpathy and ShivamArora.