Women Leaders Call For Gender Equality In Decision-making - Eastern Mirror
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Women leaders call for gender equality in decision-making

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Nov 17, 2023 8:39 pm
Gender equality
Azungla James delivering the keynote address during the Women’s Leaders Meet and cultural programme at Tourist Lodge, Dimapur, on Friday.

DIMAPUR — Challenges faced by women and children in Nagaland, ranging from gender-based violence to issues related to water and sanitation, were highlighted during a Women’s Leaders Meet and cultural programme at Tourist Lodge, Dimapur, on Friday.

The event was organised by National Foundation of India, and co-hosted by Can Youth and Nagaland Alliance for Children and Women Rights (NACWR).

Speaking on the topic ‘Inclusive support towards women’s participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels,’ NK Keny, advisor of NACWR, said that women should be given the same platform as men so that they can fight for their own rights. To ensure the well-being of the village and community, women need to equally participate in the decision-making, she said.

She also mentioned that there is a need to end gender disparity, as there are instances where the girl child is not equally treated in the family.

Drawing attention to the increase in incidents of violence against women and children in Nagaland, Keny urged the community to work towards eliminating such acts of violence. She also expressed the need for women to support one another and eliminate differences.

Arenzungla Jamir from Sisterhood Network, focused on the topic, ‘Role of women in understanding the importance of managing water needs and sanitation,’ and highlighted the adverse effects of unsafe water on women, which are prevalent in many villages and have led to significant loss of lives.

Sharing findings from a survey conducted in Samziuram Village, under Peren district, Jamir underscored concerning statistics on the lack of access to safe and affordable water supply, low awareness of water development projects, and lack of drinking water facilities in schools, among others. The survey also reportedly revealed the responsibility placed on women and girls in fetching water for the household, indicating that they bear the majority of unpaid care work.

Jamir emphasised the importance of involving women in water development projects as they are the ones managing the household. She also observed systemic barriers faced by women in Samziuram village, affecting water and sanitation supplies and consequently impacting their livelihoods. She attributed these challenges to the non-inclusion of women in the village council which is the main decision-making body.

In her keynote address, director of Sisterhood Network, Azungla James stressed that gender equality is not only about providing equal education or occupying seats in the administration of any sector but also about recognising the voices of all genders at the grassroots level.

For any development in the community, she said that the voices of all genders need to be included. By setting aside ingrained prejudices, individuals should strive to redistribute power, recognising inclusion as a crucial factor in the process of development.

Additionally, she drew attention to the importance of water and proper sanitation in people’s lives and how the absence of these essentials not only hampers lives and development but also contributes to escalated violence at home and in public places. She said that women and children become the primary victims when households lack sufficient water.

Also read: Foundation laid for Can Youth Livelihood School at Hazadisa village in Nagaland

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Nov 17, 2023 8:39:57 pm
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