DIMAPUR — The Evangelical Union (EU) of Modern College in Piphema organised its first evangelistic camp from March 28 to the 31st at the college’s indoor stadium on the theme ‘Where are you?’ (Genesis 3:9).
An update from the college stated that Moatoshi Imsong was the camp speaker, while the resource persons were Wochamo Odyou, LE Mathew, Dr. Martemjen and James Swu.
It stated that topics such as doctrine of sin and redemption, self-acceptance, doctrine of the Holy Spirit, biblical understanding of sexual purity, doctrine of the second coming and balancing studies and ministry were covered during the camp.
The Bible study during the camp was guided by James Swu and praise and worship was led by the EU members of Modern College.
Altogether, 62 persons attended the camp.
The objective of the camp was to evangelise the students and bring them closer to God, it stated.