Unnecessary Unions And Organisations Should Be Banned Immediately - Eastern Mirror
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Unnecessary Unions and Organisations Should Be Banned Immediately

By EMN Updated: Apr 27, 2024 11:51 pm

Sir, the issue of unnecessary unions and organisations in Nagaland state is reaching a critical point, with numerous groups forming for no significant reasons and with profit as their main motive. These unions/organisations are popping up everywhere without any valid purpose, despite the presence of established governing bodies such as district administrations, municipal and town councils, colony and village councils.

Many of these unions exist solely to exploit the public and make money under the guise of welfare or protecting specific groups. Genuine organisations with selfless intentions are becoming increasingly rare in the midst of this trend. The state government must address the issue of extortion by multiple factions, at the same time crack down on these unions/organisations that are collecting fees, donations, and memberships indiscriminately.

Dimapur district, in particular, is overrun with such groups, leading to businesses relocating to Chumukedima and Khatkhati inorder to avoid the burden imposed by factions, unions and organisations. It is now crucial that the state government instructs all district authorities to ban these unnecessary unions and organisations immediately. The proliferation of these groups has only led to additional forms of taxation.

Village panchayats and colony councils should actively support the administration in eliminating these unnecessary organisations to streamline governance and prevent further exploitation of the public. By taking decisive action against these unions, the state government can create a more efficient and transparent system that truly serves the welfare of its citizens.

A concerned citizen

Limtoshi Ao


By EMN Updated: Apr 27, 2024 11:51:39 pm
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