TEA Organises Street Vendors Programme In Chandel - Eastern Mirror
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tEA organises street vendors programme in Chandel

By EMN Updated: Apr 01, 2023 9:59 pm
Women are seen attending the street vendors programme in Chandel, Manipur, organised by the Entrepreneur Associates.

Dimapur —The Entrepreneurs Associates (tEA), in collaboration with the Autonomous District Council (ADC), organised the street vendors programme in Chandel district, Manipur.

An update from tEA stated that Sopemla Shithung, tEA development associate of Manipur, delivered the opening remarks and gave a brief account on the initiatives undertaken by tEA such livelihood, training and mentoring the ‘First-Generation Entrepreneurs (FGE),’ and ‘Trees for Wealth (TFW).

It mentioned that the ‘Trees for Wealth’ is a flagship programme of tEA, which envisioned Nagaland as the fruit hub of India by developing a self-sustaining economy and creating opportunities for its people. It was designed as a movement to trigger the plantation of fruit trees across the state in both rural and urban areas in order to generate additional income for farmers and entrepreneurs and catalyse the growth of various Agri-based industries and food processing units in the region, which in turn would generate employment.

It informed that tEA has initiated a pilot project called ‘Nurturing women’s livelihood and entrepreneurship,’ in collaboration with FWWB- NABARD in Chandel district.

The event witnessed 64 participants, predominantly street vendors and some women trainees from FWWB-NABARD project and few men folks.

It stated that the ADC of Chandel, Kevin, spoke on the importance of digital payment and its role in modernising the payment landscape. He urged the women folk to embrace new technology and adapt to the changing payment trends to facilitate cashless transactions.

Dr. Tongen Roel, district leprosy and TB officer of Chandel district, has emphasised on the significance of maintaining good health and fitness. She asserted that a sound mind and body are crucial for earning a livelihood and thrive in the business world.

Themreiso Awungshi, tEA project associate, spoke on ‘Uplifting the street vendors’ programme, which is currently being implemented in Nagaland and some parts of Manipur. He informed that over 5700 women have been trained till date and over 80% of the women who took part in the trainings have begun savings and 700 women have been provided 0 interest loans.

By EMN Updated: Apr 01, 2023 9:59:21 pm
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