He never desire for fame
He never desire to boast;
He just goes on work quietly,
None knows who would be the our beloved dad
He deserved are very limited,
Yet counted in the least.
His pen are mightier than the gun in violent
His working tools in the field are sweating wages
Dressed in rags to cloth us with brand and designed.
A child who sees him feels thy silent strong oh! Dad
The eminent hero that remain fresh with us.
When all spouse, sibling and neighbour gives nasty comment
He adores a peaceful surrounding for inspirations.
He always stays away from irritating
All neighbour are guardian of my father as his own children’
Maintain a peaceful relationship with Aba father (God)
God bless all the father;
A cheerful, loving, caring and God fearing
To lead in this temporally world in peace and harmony.
Happy Father’s Day
Cornerstone Boys Hostel Residency Colony, Dimapur