Rhythm Of Love: In Conversation With Not Funny - Eastern Mirror
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Rhythm of Love, Music

Rhythm of Love: In conversation with Not Funny

By Purnungba Longkumer Updated: Apr 01, 2021 11:33 pm
Not Funny from UKhrul, Manipur
Not Funny

With A Funky Vibe, Catchy Beats, colourful music videos and hairstyles to match, ‘Not Funny’, a four-member Indie Pop Rock band from UKhrul, Manipur are taking the Northeast by storm!

Read on to get exclusive access to little known info about the band members!

Eastern Mirror: Could you introduce us to “Not Funny” and the role each of you take on in the band?

Not Funny: We are a band of four.

Wungramthing (vocalist) who works on most of our melodies and takes keen interest in painting and is also good with electrical works.

Soringthing lead Guitarist who is the tallest and the most fashionable in our group and for a skinny guy, he could run his own mukbang show.

Kachuimi, (Bassist) is our spokesperson and also the person who formed the band and as his obsessed as he is with mangas, he loves sleep equally .

Wotsa  (drummer) the  Mr. Popular of Not Funny band member, he likes dancing. Not the best at managing time though. He is good with handicrafts.

Eastern Mirror: What does your band name signify and how did you come up with the name, Not Funny?

Actually, there is not much to our band name because it initially stemmed from an inside joke. There was this funny photo of our drummer from our first band photo shoot that got circulated in what’s app status and when it got funny reactions, our vocalist said it was ‘Not Funny’ and we joking called our band Not Funny and that was when we finally decided to call ourselves, “Not Funny”

Not Funny from UKhrul, Manipur

Eastern Mirror: How did you meet? Talk us through your musical journey?

Initially, we were all in different bands. Call it fate or coincidence, we kept running into each other on Friday’s jampad and that’s how we got acquainted. And the funny thing is, we took breaks from our bands at almost the same time. One thing led to another and here we are.

So far, the releasing of our ‘Unfamiliar feelings’ and ‘Dance with me’ have been a great experience for us. We learned a lot working on the MVs and honestly, we are proud of it. Looking back, times spent on studio sessions, sleepless nights, the tight budgets and all the hard work were priceless experiences for us.

Eastern Mirror: How do you describe your music?

Our music is more on the beats of the songs. In addition to the lyrics, we try to give it a funky vibe. We intend to base on colourful themes.

Eastern Mirror: Tell us about the recently released music video ‘unfamiliar feelings’.

‘Unfamiliar feelings’, explore love at first sight and the feelings stirred in us by our first love/s.

Eastern Mirror: Who takes care of the music video? Are there any sponsors or agents for the band?

Our first video,’ Dance With me’ was produced by ourselves. For the second, music video Unfamiliar Feelings, we raised funds performing on the streets and also received help from our well wishers.

Eastern Mirror: Who is the lyricist of the band and what are the contributions that each of you make?

The lyrics are written by our vocalist and Bassist while all of us are involved in the working of our songs as a whole.

Eastern Mirror: What kind of music do you prefer to make as a band?

We want to bring something new to the music scene in the NE by embracing the less picked, Indie Pop rock genre.

Eastern Mirror: What are the difficulties that you guys face as a band?

As a young band, we have financial difficulties. Also, given the pandemic, we struggle with lack of platforms and advertisements.

Not Funny from UKhrul, Manipur
Not Funny

Eastern Mirror: Tell one artiste that you want to collaborate with.

There are lots but if we could ever collaborate with John Mayer, it would truly be our wildest dream.

Eastern Mirror: What do you do apart from music? And any project in the pipeline?

We are currently pursuing our graduation. We are working on three originals and hopefully it’ll be completed efficiently and we would receive love and support as we did with our formerly released MVs.

By Purnungba Longkumer Updated: Apr 01, 2021 11:33:28 pm
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