NFR Launches 'Swachhta Pakhwara' Campaign - Eastern Mirror
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NFR launches ‘Swachhta Pakhwara’ campaign

By EMN Updated: Sep 16, 2019 9:24 pm


Sanjive Roy (middle) addressing  the press conference at Maligaon on Monday.

Dimapur, Sep. 16 (EMN): As part of the nationwide “Swachhta Pakhwara,”, the Northeast Forntier Railway (NFR) launched a cleanliness awaress campaign on Monday.

An update from NFR Chief Public Relations Officer Subhanan Chanda said the campaign was launched to educate people through information, education and communication activities about the use of bio-toilets, resisting use of plastic in railway premises and good sanitation habits to keep railway clean.

The campaign will continue till September 30.

Addressing the press conference at Maligaon, NFR General Manager Sanjve Roy said that as railway track is spread throughout the country touching every nook and corner, it can play a much bigger role to promote cleanliness.

For this, he said NFR has started awareness campaign through display advertisement, nukkad nataks, banners, posters, audio jingles through FM channels and campaign through social media platforms so that all the section of people can be reached upon.

He informed that a massive “Shramdan” will be organised on September 17 by the railway fraternity in railway premises where retired railway personnel, family members of employees and stakeholders will participate.

The general manager also mentioned that authorised vendors at railway stations are being educated about avoiding use of plastic.

Apart from providing bio-toilets in train, NFR also provided separate dustbins for bio and non-bio degradable items in railway, cleanliness of some important stations is being monitored by CC TV, railway catering stalls were asked to use only re-cycle able plastic for packaging of food w.e.f. September 15, the release said.

By EMN Updated: Sep 16, 2019 9:24:23 pm
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