Nagaland: SAMETI organises training for ATMA functionaries
Dimapur, Oct. 31 (EMN): State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI), Medziphema, organised a two-day training on “Package of practices for fruits and vegetable crops and its management” for ATMA functionaries on October 27 and 28.
A press release from SAMETI stated that participants were trained on package of practices on winter vegetable crops, integrated pest management on fruits and vegetables, package of practices on fruits in NEH Region.
The resource persons were Dr. Sentirenla Jamir, assistant professor of Horticulture at SASRD: NU, Medziphema campus; Dr. Pankaj Neog, associate professor of Entomology at SASRD: NU, Medziphema campus; and Aabon W Yanthan, scientist of Vegetable Science at ICAR NER, Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani.
It stated that participants were highlighted on the various aspects of winter vegetables crops keeping in mind the uses of bio-fertilizers and management of the field before and after harvesting. During the field visit, participants were given the opportunity to explore many research farms and practices used by the scientists for the growth and yield of winter vegetables crops and new technology such as Nano farming which could impact modern agriculture and increase in yield more suitable to Nagaland topography and climatic conditions.
At the valedictory programme, SAMETI director, Dr. Watimongla Jamir, gave away certificate to the participants.