Health Department Observes World Population Day Across Nagaland - Eastern Mirror
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Health department observes World Population Day across Nagaland

By EMN Updated: Jul 11, 2024 8:27 pm
World Population Day
Kohima: Dr. Leamnyei Konyak flagging off the ‘Saarthi on Wheel’ van on the occasion of World Population Day in Kohima on Thursday.

DIMAPUR — Health department across Nagaland observed World Population Day on Thursday by organising advocacy and awareness programme on the theme “Healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies for wellbeing of mother and child.” The day also marked the launch of Population Stabilisation Fortnight beginning from July 11 to the 24th.

The World Population Day is observed on July 11 every year with an aim to raise awareness about global population issues and their impact on society. It is observed to highlight the importance of addressing population related concerns such as reproductive health, family planning, gender equality and sustainable development.

Kohima: The Health department in Kohima observed World Population Day at the conference hall of the chief medical officer (CMO) on the slogan “The new identity of Vikshit Bharat, family planning the pride of every couple.”

The DPO (RCH/UIP), Dr. Khrievilhou, spoke on the importance of “World Population Day and Population Stabilisation Fortnight.” He informed about the advocacy and awareness campaigns, which would be carried out in all the blocks and villages during the Population Stabilisation Fortnight.

He added that IEC activities including interpersonal communication, focus group discussion would be carried out in selected health units besides distribution of pamphlets, leaflets and putting up of banners and posters at prominent places in line with new family planning media campaign.

In his concluding remarks, the CMO of Kohima, Dr. Leamnyei Konyak, stated that World Population Day provides a platform for governments, organisations and individuals to engage in discussions and take action. He also asserted that this year’s theme highlighted the importance of investing in data collection to understand issues, tailor solutions and drive progress.

The CMO also spoke on Saarthi on Wheels. It is a fully customised van having IEC devices, family planning commodities, education, information and communication materials.

World Population Day
Dr. Lanuakum speaking on the occasion of World Population Day in Peren on Thursday.

Peren: The District Health Society, Peren, observed World Population Day at CMO office with the Dr. Lanuakum, deputy CMO of Peren, as the resource person.

Speaking on the significance of the day, Dr. Lanuakum emphasised the importance of family planning for the health of mother and her children as well as the family’s economic situation.

Since parents are responsible for providing education, shelter, clothing and food for their children, he stated that family planning has an important long-term impact on the financial situation of any family.

He also highlighted on the activities to be carried during the Population Stabilisation Fortnight from July 11 to the 24th. He added that it was preceded by a ‘Mobilisation fortnight’ from June 27 to July 10 for creating awareness on population control and generating demand for family planning.

Free IEC materials were distributed during the programme.

Mon: Health department in Mon district observed World Population Day at the conference hall of the chief medical officer (CMO).

Speaking at the programme, Dr Thomas Keppen, deputy CMO, shared the significance of the day, which is aimed at raising awareness on the impact of population explosion. He requested all the staff to refer the objective of the programme and work accordingly.

Bonnie Konyak, DPM, spoke on the plan of action to organise various activities in all the blocks of the district during the population fortnight.

Longleng: The District Health Society, Longleng, observed the World Population Day and launch of Population Fortnight at the conference hall of the CMO with the deputy commissioner of Longleng, Dharam Raj, as the special guest.

Delivering the keynote address, Dr. Imnameren Phom, DPO (RCH/UIP), urged the healthcare workers and participants to encourage eligible couples to keep adequate spacing between two children for the health of mother and child, discourage teenage pregnancy until she attain the age of 20 years and unplanned pregnancy.

He further informed that activities such as free sterilisation, IUCD and distribution of IEC materials would be carried out in all health units across the district during the Population Fortnight.

In his speech, the DC suggested measures to improve family planning in rural areas, his concern on lack of male involvement in the family planning causing much health complications to both mother and child.

He also urged all healthcare providers and frontline workers to create awareness and educate the public at the village level on family planning. He concluded by reminding the participants that family planning is not only about contraceptives but planning for the present and future.

World Population Day
K Furhesie Nyuwi, Dr. Zubenthung Kikon, medical staff and others during the World Population Day programme held at CMO conference hall in Wokha town on Thursday.

Wokha: Health department in Wokha observed World Population Day at the CMO conference hall with Dr. Thungchanpeni Patton, DPO (RCH/UIP), as the theme speaker.

Dr. Patton informed on the types of family planning methods available in health centres and sought the support of civil societies, line departments and communities to promote family planning.

In his address, the ADC of Wokha, K Furhesie Nyuwi, highlighted the need for involvement of local factors in implementing such health programmes. He said the increasing population is a concern to everyone, taking in to account the limited resources available in the state.

Delivering the welcome address, Dr. Zubenthung Kikon, CMO of Wokha, informed that more family planning activities would be implemented in the days to come as part of World Population Day and Stabilisation Fortnight in the district.

A short video on family planning activities in the district was screened by the district IEC team during the programme.

World Population Day
Resource persons with health officials and the participants during the World Population Day programme held at CMO conference hall in Phek town on Thursday.

Phek: Phek district also observed World Population Day at CMO conference hall with Dr. Pangertemsu, obstetrician and gynaecologist at Phek District Hospital, as the resource person.

Dr. Pangertemsu pointed out that the main objective of observing World Population Day every year was to improve living standard by maintaining spacing of pregnancies and healthy timing, to prevent unwanted pregnancies and decrease infant and maternal mortality rate by spreading awareness on family planning methods and their benefits.

He also shared the different methods of family planning available in the district.

The deputy CMO, Dr. MC Longai Phom, in his keynote address, encouraged the healthcare workers to spread awareness on the importance of family planning (FP) and its measures. He also informed that family planning services would be available in all the health units and added that family planning camp would be conducted at the district hospital from July 11 to the 24th.

By EMN Updated: Jul 11, 2024 8:27:24 pm
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