Kohima, Mon Deliberate On Monsoon Preparedness - Eastern Mirror
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Kohima, Mon deliberate on monsoon preparedness

By EMN Updated: May 28, 2024 9:40 pm
Kumar Ramnikant addressing the District Disaster Management Authority meeting on monsoon preparedness in Kohima on Tuesday.

DIMAPUR — The Kohima District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) held a meeting on Tuesday to deliberate on the availability of goods and services during potential calamities owing to the monsoon season.

The disaster preparedness meeting, chaired by the deputy commissioner of Kohima, Kumar Ramnikant, was held at the DC’s conference hall, a DIPR report stated.

The DC, in his address, reiterated the prohibition on roadside dumping of construction and other materials and insisted that contractors clean drainages before the monsoon to mitigate disaster risks.

The members also decided to conduct a social work initiative to further bolster preparedness.

Administrator of Kohima Municipal Council, Lanusenla Longkumer, emphasised the importance of clearing drainages in all colonies. She highlighted the ongoing drainage clearance efforts in the town area and colonies, particularly mentioning the need for proper drainage along the road from Bayavü Junction to Vinyüzo School.

The Food and Civil Supplies department was directed to ensure that godowns are fully stocked at all times with supplies sufficient to last at least three months.

The DDMA members also addressed the need to prepare for disease outbreaks, particularly dengue, during the monsoon season and deliberated on preparedness for blood transfusion and hospitalisation.

A suggestion was made for the chief medical officer to assess and ensure the availability of life-saving drugs, while the district agriculture officer assured to take up scenario-based preparations on agriculture sector.

The Power department highlighted the importance of regularly clearing tree branches that could hinder power lines.

It stated that the members have agreed on the need to place machineries such as land movers (JCB) and tow trucks in the event of any eventuality. Besides, all district offices were instructed to complete and update the India Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) form and submit it to the deputy commissioner within two weeks.

In a similar programme, the DDMA Mon also held its quarterly meeting on Tuesday at the DC’s conference hall, which was chaired by the deputy commissioner and chairman DDMA of Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma.

The DC, in his address, said that there are lots of challenges including road blockages, issues of food, medicines and other commodities problems. He urged all the concerned departments to be well prepared to face all those challenges.

The Food and Civil Supplies department updated about the availability of essential commodities in the district.

Roads infrastructure sector, alternative routes, machinery functionality were highlighted by PWD (R&B), PWD (N/H) NHIDCL and the BRO.

The executive engineer of PWD (R&B) informed that the department has formed a task force for the monsoon season and that the personnel have started clearing the road and maintaining the drainage.

The District Hospital Mon authority informed about the essential drugs, medicines and manpower availability in the hospital.

The ADC of Mon, K Temjennaro Longkumer, explained on sanitisation as a part of monsoon preparedness. Informing that no successful social work has been conducted in Mon town so far, she urged the officers to start from their respective offices.

By EMN Updated: May 28, 2024 9:40:46 pm
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