The Crisis Of Confidence Among The Naga Political Leaders - Eastern Mirror
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The crisis of confidence among the Naga Political leaders

By EMN Updated: Apr 27, 2014 6:30 pm

[dropcap]K[/dropcap]ingdoms and Nations fall when leaders lost the trust and confidence in themselves and in each other. The truth is, People withdraw their reposing confidence on their leaders when they themselves cannot be trusted. Nations becomes great when their leaders are just men; they fall and fade when their just men pass away. Those who are in power, set either good or bad example for the entire society and Nation.Crisis and conflicts prevail in the Naga leadership and society at large. Solution making leaders are rare and negligibly few and voiceless. Therefore, consequently confusion, distrusts and contentions continue its work of destruction in the set-up of civil and Government organizations. I would expressively state my findings and define what crisis runs in the minds and hearts of the present Naga political leaders. The reality of today’s leaders can be described or defined as greed-ruler-ship leaders or selfish-oriented leaders vividly shown and displayed in their person and action. The conflicting state of affairs in the leadership level is signaling the downfall of the Naga nation. Unless a new turn and trend is set on the path of the Naga leaders, the ruin and fall of the Naga society and Nation will soon be experienced. Therefore, It is pertinent to state that, the present set of leadership and their mentality should be changed. Leaders must look within themselves and know for themselves of what attitude and motive do they exhibit in their performance. The war within must be waged and overcome in order to win over the confidence of leadership among themselves and exhibit the right leadership pattern in the society. Corrupt leaders corrupt and destroy the society. Selfless and sacrificing leaders build the society and Nation. What is seen in the Naga leaders is suspicious nature. Distrustful and doubtful attitude in leaders, usually and naturally are suspicious tending of spoiling the whole social environment. In other word, suspicion is an offence against humanity. It is killing oneself and other. Therefore, it is a fatal crime. The word of God clearly gives hope of life against the sin of suspicion. It is FAITH in God, in oneself and other through struggling out the truth in honest manner and in the truest sense of the word. The Bible states, “A person who is pure of heart sees goodness and purity in everything; but a person whose own heart is evil and untrusting finds evils in everything, for his dirty mind and rebellious heart color all he sees and hears. Such persons claim they know God, but from seeing the way they act, one knows they don’t. They are rotten and disobedient, worthless so far as doing anything good is concerned.” Titus 1:15-16 (LB). We ought to believe the unseen truth and act out in faith according to the conscience given us of God. The question we Nagas ought to ask is whether we have faith in God? If yes, do we practice our faith in action? For decades, the Nagas have been struggling for freedom from occupational forces of the heathen nations in owns their land. Have we hold on to the true concept and philosophy of the Motto, “Nagaland for Christ” in its truest meaning and spirit, then the best weapon for us to fight against the crisis of confidence is mutual trust.
Notwithstanding the suffering and sacrifices the Nagas has undergone since decades now, the progress and the gain could not be realized significantly yet rather, the public are being put into a hell-like dark spectrum of confusion and distortion led by those leaders who are facing the crisis of confidence. Considering the endangering situation and predicament of the Nagas in general, the need for good leadership and a new outlook of leading the people and Govt. is the pressing demand of the Naga people.
The general publics are expecting the process of Naga reconciliation under the banner of FNR to expedite the formation of the Naga National Government in pursuance of the LENTEN AGREEMENT. It is assume that the agreement is a turning point and positive outcome that will culminate into settlement of the Naga political problems. Here I would like to apprise the respected members of FNR to diligently work out the trustworthy and acceptable modality for wholesome approach and solution that will be a hope giving and confident building initiative of the forum. The FNR is expected to draw all factions into the picture of confidence and mutual effort for the purpose of forming and establishing the anticipated one Naga National Government.
T.A. Rongmei

By EMN Updated: Apr 27, 2014 6:30:13 pm
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