Politics Based On Blood - Eastern Mirror
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Politics Based On Blood

By EMN Updated: Apr 22, 2017 11:41 pm

I do not like News Paper arguments with any but people of goodwill may feel I have been silenced because of some wrong things I said. To allay such perceptions, I am compelled often to make subsequent write-ups in the Papers clarifications of what meant.

I view Politics based on Religion, Race and Blood as narrow, divisive, if not erroneous. To base National Politics on the Principles of Blood would lead to division and discord. There is no National Blood anywhere in the World.

The Nation of New Zealand is not based on Blood. The Indian Nation did not exist before. India as a Nation was created by the Colonial British Power in the 19th and 20th Centuries not based on Hindu Blood.

National Politics based on Blood does not exist. God made Human Blood the same in every man and woman. Scientists have found Human blood has great similarity with that of the Chimpanzee. 98% of Chimpanzee and Human Blood are the same, only 2 % different. The only difference between Man and Animal is that Man has the BREATH of LIFE of GOD, Animal Does Not.

Doctors even use Animal Body Parts to correct Human ailments, Snake Poison is used to make Antidote of Poisons to save human life.

Politics based on blood is racial, and Group basing its Politics on Blood is Racist, Uncivilized and its Politics considered immature. Modern Civilized Politics is based on Multi-Culture Society, not on Blood.

A Certain widely read Person used an overdose of his highly learned vocabulary like ‘stupefying, insane, outrageously ridiculous’ in connection with what I wrote in the Papers that ‘Muivah is a Dictator’ and a ‘fake Democrat’. (I am quoting his words in italics):

“One way or the other, all factions are dictated by some leaders and thus the question of democracy in the real sense of the term does not arise”.

To the learned Person,
i. “all factions are dictated by some leaders”.
ii. “and thus democracy in the real sense…does not arise”.

This Writer holds that all the Naga National Groups were created by PURSUATION and DEMOCRACY, except the original NSCN (IM) that Muivah and Isaac Chishi created it by the Barrel of the Gun.

Democracy or Oligrachy (the government by one man or a few) are different in every sense of reality.

Thepulhouvi Solo

By EMN Updated: Apr 22, 2017 11:41:01 pm
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