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Students of TTC are seen singing at the 18th Graduation service on Sunday at Thahekhu village.[/caption]
Staff Reporter
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he 18th Graduation service of Trinity Theological College (TTC) was held today at its college chapel hall with Master, Senate of Serampore College (University) Rt. Rev. Dr. John S. Sadananda as the main speaker.
Rt. Rev. Dr. John S. Sadananda said that ‘graduation’ is one of the most important days for the students while rejoicing with the Christ.He said that one should ‘rejoice’ in all kin ds of circumstances/occasions be it during happy or sad moments or even when one is hopeless while strengthening the bond with the Almighty.
While addressing the graduation service, he also said that nobody can live without ‘hope’ and that the existence of human is shaped by ‘how and what’ one hopes in life by removing barriers.
He said organizational churches alone cannot build the society but the churches together with the help of like-minded people and communities can bring positive changes in the society towards building ‘communities of hope.’
Proficiency Awards were given to 6 students – Faculty Award for Outstanding Academic Performance was awarded to P Asenla, Principal’s Award for Best Discipline in Christian Living to Dikseng N. Sangma, Ivulho Shohe Award for Biblical Studies to P Asenla, Dr Hokishe award for Best Sermon N. Benjamin Sema, Rev Dr Najekhu Award for Scripture Knowledge to Ruth Chishi and Governing Board Award for General Proficiency P Asenla. The 18th Graduation Service of TTC witnessed 61 regular diplomas and 5 provisional diploma graduates.