
Not forgotten: Kohima village’s seniors find a place of love

Published on May 1, 2016



After the battles had been fought, a quiet life in the sunset of their lives is all they wish. Yet, the value of taking care of the elderly is slowly fading. But a group of concerned citizens in Kohima wants to change that, reports our Kohima Correspondent Atono Tsukru KOHIMA, APRIL 30 The Friends of 80Plus, a non-profit voluntary group, was started a decade ago with the goal to ‘reviving the culture of listening to and be guided by the wisdom of the elders.’ Sensing that the value of ‘honoring’ and valuing the elderly was fading, the group was initiated by a group of likeminded people for citizens aged 80 years and above, of Kohima village in Kohima district. The objective was to serve them in whatever possible way. Hosted by the Kohima Village Council, Friends of 80Plus today celebrated its 11th foundation day with Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Resources Khriehu Liezietsu as the chief guest of the event. In his address during the event, the politician said that the elderly were valuable assets to the society, and especially to the younger generation. Peace and harmony prevails where there are elderly people where things and situations are controlled by their wisdom, Liezietsu said. Also, Liezietsu pointed out that history and oral stories were being handed down through the elderly. People as a society need the guidance and wisdom of the older generation in every sphere of life. He wished on them God’s blessings and that the Almighty would grant them long life so they may continue to guide the people. There are currently about 167 ‘elderly’ citizens in Kohima village. Gifts were presented to the senior citizens by the parliamentary secretary, and members of the Kohima Village Gazetted Officers’ Association, and the Kohima Village Students’ Union. A medical health check up was also conducted for them. The camp was organized by the Kohima Village Doctors’ Association. There was no charge for the check up and medicines. An objective of the Friends of 80Plus is also to document the stories and experience of senior citizens, reach out in friendship and fellowship through monthly home visits, offer medical and other assistance to their physical needs; give them psychological support to enable them to retain their self-esteem and self-respect as elders of the community.