A Staff Reporter
With human trafficking becoming a menace in Northeast India involving enslavement and sexual exploitation of vulnerable people especially young girls, Nagaland police have joined hands with Shillong based ‘Impulse NGO Network’ an anti-human trafficking non-profit organization, to combat human-trafficking through the use new technology called ‘Impulse Case Info Centre Software.’
The software was launched for the first time in Nagaland by Additional Director General of Police, Nagaland, Rupin Sharma (IPS) during the inaugural programme of the two-day practical orientation training on software hosted by Home department at Police Complex Chumukedima.
Through this analytical software platform, stakeholders hoped to share data and identify the best way to address the issues involved in human-trafficking.
Case Manager, Impulse Case Info Centre, Bariphylla Lyttan in her introductory note said, the software aims to create nationwide network of stakeholders and share information using the methodology developed by Impulse NGO Network within the region.
Chief guest Rupin Sharma in his short speech lamented the absence of such software in Nagaland saying Nagas still do not realize the issues of human trafficking which is very much existent in the State.
He said, illegal immigrants coming to Nagaland for jobs and education are some issues that connect to human-trafficking. He said, a sense of ‘dignity of labour’ should be created to encourage people to get employed in any kind of job which can be a preventive measure in tackling human trafficking.
He said, district like Dimapur and other bordering areas of the State should be aware of the immigrants who come to Nagaland either for work or education. On the release of the software, the chief guest called upon the department to conduct skill upgradation training for those computer illiterates in order to have hands-on the software.
IGP, SP (Crime), Toshi Tsungba Aier in his welcome note, spoke on the important role played by NGOs all over the world in tackling various issues. He said, though it is the police who should take part in tackling such issues, the role played by NGOs are commendable.
He further advised the police officials present in the hall to be more aware and active in tackling human trafficking issues while coordinating with Churches, NGOs, Village councils, etc.
Recipient of various national and international awards, Impulse NGO Network was formed in the year 1993 in order to combat human trafficking that eventually gained its recognition worldwide for their success works in countering the problem.
The NGO also works towards ensuring equal human rights for all, particularly women and children. The Impulse NGO network is also in partnership with the state NGO Bethesda and Eight North Eastern States Anti Trafficking Units. Impulse NGO network plans to release the software with all the eight north eastern states while trying to eradicate the issue of human trafficking.
The formal session was followed by practical training on the working of the software and various open discussions.