
Farmers’ welfare meet aims at doubling farmers’ income by 2022

Published on May 3, 2018



Dimapur, May 2 (EMN): Along with the rest of the country, ATMA Kohima block organized ‘Kisan Kalyan Karyashalaya,’ farmers’ welfare workshop under the theme, “Doubling of farmers income by 2022” on May 2 at Hotel Japfu in Kohima. Update from DIPR on Wednesday informed that the deputy commissioner of Kohima, Rajesh Soundararajan was the special guest for the programme. The programme was chaired by Dr. Khriengunuo, BTM, ATMA Kohima block who also delivered the keynote address highlighted the purpose behind the programme. She said the main objective of the programme was to create awareness about the strategies to be adopted for doubling the farmers’ income. The special guest, Rajesh Soundararajan, stressed on the importance of awareness about the different schemes which is a must for farmers to avail such schemes. He encouraged the farmers to recognize the most suitable activities with potential as per local conditions and take it up. Four farmers-Penyusielie Suokhrie (dairy farmer), Teisovilie Medom (vegetable cultivator), Neimehel Neikha (Land developer), Kelhou Multipurpose Co-operative Society (Mixed farmer) were awarded for their achievements in agriculture and allied sectors Two progressive farmers also shared their experiences. Vithato Nakhro shared about his success story and best practices adopted by him in vegetable and animal rearing. Neiliehunuo Solo shared her success story on paddy cultivation applying the System of rice intensification (SRI) technique on how it has help her to decrease the labour and increase the yield and motivated her to till her paddy field after a gap of six years. Officers from Agriculture, Sericulture, Animal husbandry, Horticulture, Fisheries and Soil &Water conservation departments highlighted on the schemes and projects of their respective departments and how farmers can avail such schemes. The technical session included the farmers-scientist interaction for which the resource person was Dr. V Akashe Zhimomi, senior scientist & head of KVK, Kohima. He briefed the farmers on how the govt. is going to go about to achieve the goal of doubling the farmers income. He also interacted with the farmers and answered their queries. The same workshop was conducted by ATMA Bhandari in collaboration with Agri & Allied departments at Bhandari community hall on May 2. DPRO updated about the event on Wednesday. Speaking at the programme, the additional deputy commissioner of Bhandari, Tiameren Chang urged the farmers to make use of the potential resources, utilize the fertile land and supply the whole area with organic vegetables by 2022. He encouraged the community to learn more and survey the land properly and use the suitable seeds for better production. “Take pride of your land, nowhere in the state of Nagaland is as fertile as the land of the Lothas especially in Bhandari area,” he remarked. ADC also advised the people to avail the scheme provided by the department of Municipal Affairs- housing. Success stories of farming were shared by farmers. The resource persons were Tracey Mozhui, ATM, ATMA Bhandari; Tumchobeni Kikon, ATM, ATMA Bhandari; Chumbeni Odyuo SDO (S&WC); and BTT convener, ATMA Bhandari, Dr Mhathung. Also, Zunheboto ATMA block conducted workshop at deputy commissioner’s conference hall in Zunheboto on May 2 under the theme ‘Doubling of farmers income.’ DPRO updated on Wednesday. Speaking at the event as special guest, SDO(C) Ajit Kumar Ranjan spoke on the importance of having SHG for generating more income from farming. He encouraged farmers to open bank account for saving the money generated from agricultural products. Dr. Rajesh from KVK, NU Lumami in his presentation said that to double the farmers’ income, farmers need to shift from mono-crop area to multiple cropping and by using the high yielding varieties. He informed the farmers to avail the facilities provided by KVK which can be accessed through online or by phone. He also stressed on the importance of using vermin-compost in farming for organic food. Dr. Amenla, AHO spoke on cultivation of cardamom while Mughato Kiba, extension agent spoke on sericulture as an alternative source of sustaining livelihood. Later the department of Horticulture distributed vegetable seeds free of cost.